Chistmas eve Chistmas day

christmas treeChristmas daychristmas tree

tree with royal family

Once on a cold Christmas Eve night, a forester and his family were in their cottage gathered round the fire to keep warm when suddenly there was a knock at the door. When the forester opened the door, he found a poor little boy standing on the door step, lost and alone. The forester welcomed him into his house and the family fed,, washed and put him to bed in the youngest sons bed. The next morning, Christmas Morning, the family were woken up by a choir of angels, and the poor little boy had turned into Jesus, the Christ Child.The Child went into the front garden of the cottage and broke a branch off a Fir tree and gave it to the family as a present to say thank you for looking after him. Ever since then, people remembered that night by bringing a Christmas Tree into their homes.
